Awards, Honours,& Prizes

Ford Warley Cricket Club - Captain's player of the year 1988; Best fielder of the year 1989

Greenfield Industrial Medal, Royal Statistical Society, London, 1993 (awarded jointly with Dan Grove; see photo)

The American Society of Quality (ASQ) selected me as one of their 21 voices of quality for the 21st Century - 1999 (full article)

10th Henry Ford Technical Fellow, Dearborn, MI, USA, 2001 (citation)

Donald Julius Groen Prize in Reliability, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 2004

Best Manager, European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) - 2014

Brumbaugh Award of the ASQ - 2015

Royal Statistical Society | American Society for Quality | Ford Motor Co. | Institution of Mechanical Engineers  | ENBIS | Martin A. Brumbaugh