I offer collaborative consulting and teaching in the general area of quality engineering and manufacturing process improvement, with emphasis on Failure Mode Avoidance through mistake prevention and robustness improvement. My skills portfolio include all aspects of quality management, including integrating failure mode avoidance into business operations. In particular I specialize in solving problems that lie at the interface between engineering and statistical science.
Based on my 30 years of international experience in manufacturing industry, together with my chartered professional grade in both statistical science (with the Royal Statistical Society) and mechanical engineering (with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers), and as a Senior Member of the American Society of Quality, I have useful expertise in the following areas:
Project Management and Project Planning
within the New Product Development Process, and
for Emergency Problem Solving (including product recalls).
Crisis Control and Management
Development of Quality Operating Systems
Systems Engineering
target setting
system reliability
Failure Mode Avoidance in New Product Development
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis* (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
Engineering Standards, Compliance, & Deviation protocols for Mistake Prevention
Robust Engineering Design , including
concept selection,
parameter design,
tolerance analysis, and
noise factor management
Design of Experiments, Empirical Model Building, and Transfer Function Development
Design Verification Test Planning, and Sign-Off reporting
Problem-solving and Root Cause Analysis (with particular emphasis on IS/IS NOT analysis & the 5 why's, and deployment of Prevent Recurrence Actions and feedback to the FMEA)
Statistical Process Control approached from the perspective of Shewhart & Deming.
* I prefer to think of the FMEA as Failure Mode and Effect Avoidance (i.e. not just analysis), and teach it as such - please refer to the Ford Motor Company FMEA handbook available for download here
Note that for items in bold, I have prepared short "primers" as pdf documents that explain the concepts involved. If you would like to see these prior to engaging me in a project, please let me know.
See my Publications, Conference presentations, and biography for some technical details and downloads of what I have to offer. A list of some of my recent clients (with onward links) is provided opposite.
If you think that I might be able to help you or your organization in any of the areas listed above, please get in touch via e-mail or telephone.